Achieve the Birth You Envision

We offer individualized labor support to help you have the birth your desire. All birth experiences can benefit from the services of a doula.

What brought you here?

Experiencing a lack of confidence and the idea of giving birth frightens you

Feel disconnected to your body (and/or baby) and wish to learn how to tap into your intuitive wisdom for working with pain

Desire to improve the communication, connection and cooperation between you, your partner and provider

Looking for the expert who can teach you stress-reducing skills for greater joy and wellbeing before, during and after birth


Here's How Doula Support Can Help!


You have a voice. Use it.

Know your options and make decisions from an informed place.

You deserve to feel that your chosen birth team has your back and preferences in mind.


One thing is for certain: things are always changing. What feels amazing one moment may not be the next.

Come equipped with techniques to help ease the discomfort and relax.


Feel confident despite the twists and turns.

Sometimes you’ll need a strong voice to tell you to keep going.

Sometimes, you’ll need a small voice reminding you to breathe.

I gave birth 2 months ago and I must say that I wouldn’t have changed anything because I learned how to deal with pain. Thanks to Brooke, she helped me go through this experience as a first time mom. It was scary not knowing what could happen, but Brooke was attentive and bought such great energy to the birth space.

My birth was a success, with no complications. If this is your first pregnancy or you were told you are HIGH RISK, Brooke is the above and beyond doula you need– emotionally and physically. She feels like family 😊


kind words

here's what ya get



  • Complimentary consultation
  • Prenatal sessions to discuss your birth preferences and postpartum planning decisions
  • Unlimited phone and text support
  • Help to prepare physically, mentally, and emotionally
  • Discussions about newborn care and feeding
  • Routine checkins after all provider appointments
  • On-call availability
  • Community resources, materials, and reading suggestions



  • Early labor guidance and tips to help labor progress
  • Coaching and guidance to stay calm and relaxed
  • Guidance to know when to go to your birth location
  • Support and advice for partners to be involved
  • Hands-on, non-medical comfort techniques and suggestions
  • Information and support for informed decision-making
  • Help communicating your wishes to your care team
  • Post birth care (help with initial recovery and feeding)



  • In-home visits to check-in
  • Guidance and advice for your recovery
  • Frequent mental health check-ins, discussions and resources
  • Help with all forms of feeding
  • Guidance to learn infant care
  • Light household assistance like laundry, meal prep, or help with older children
  • Tips for common issues like infant sleep, gas, and comforting your baby
  • Community resources and referrals to programs and services

what they're saying

After our first cesarean, I knew I could not be in the OR with my wife again and I needed to make sure she had someone in there with her the entire time. Brooke was incredible! She arrived early to our home that morning and helped my wife with a Reiki session and then stayed with her for a few hours after the birth. I highly recommend hiring a doula!
Brooke is a valuable resource in your corner. At first I wasn’t aware of why we needed a doula, but in the end it was the best decision we made. When our birth plan imploded, she was just as much of a supporter of me as the father as she was of my wife. Highly recommend!
Brooke was there for me just as much as she was there for my wife. My wife wanted a home birth and I have to admit I didn’t see why at first, but having Brooke there with us allowed for me to just be there for Sarah, knowing that we had someone with experience with us the entire time.



Aspired Mother offers a selection of labor support services that you can purchase up until the day of labor, based on availability. We can also customize a care plan to fit your unique needs – be sure to ask us!


FROM $1,300 TO $3,150

⇢ We accept payments by debit/credit card and Health Savings Accounts.

⇢ Payment plans are available upon request.

⇢ We offer special rates for repeat clients.

⇢ A retainer is required to secure your timeframe and must be paid in full before 32 weeks gestation.

Insurance: Have an insurance company that covers all or a portion of labor services? We don’t process insurance in our office; however, we are able to provide you a Statement for Reimbursement after services are rendered. You can also use a HSA or FSA card as well as add our services to your registry. Be sure to inquire about this at time of initial consultation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most often asked questions an expectant family has inquired about prior to hiring me. If you still have questions, feel free to contact me.

Doulas are known around the world for assisting laboring and postpartum moms through this huge transition in life. The word “Doula” is Greek for “woman caregiver” and is typically a female who is highly educated and professionally trained to continuously offer one-on-one care, as well as unbiased information, psychological encouragement, evidence-based education, and practical hands-on support immediately through the first year.

Throughout history, women have always helped women give birth. As childbirth began to move from home and into the hospital setting less than 100 years ago, this vital ingredient in childbirth began to disappear. Now, due to the rising rates of cesarean sections and the highly technological and impersonal nature of childbirth, we’ve begun seeing the shift in our culture to restore the role of a doula, “birth companion”.

Why not?!? By hiring me, a doula who is professionally certified by DONA International with a background in Integrative Health & Wellness, you will feel safe, supported, and confident. I have been professionally trained to tune in to your needs, create the most optimal environment, and continuously support you for your best possible birth and maternity leave.


Doulas are an under-utilized resource, according to ACOG! A joint statement released on March 2014 from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) set forth new guidelines designed to prevent primary cesareans. Here are a few highlights:

  • “Increasing women’s access to non-medical interventions during labor, such as continuous labor and delivery support, has been shown to reduce cesarean birth rates.”

  • “Published data indicates that one of the most effective tools to improve labor and delivery outcomes is the continuous presence of support personnel, such as a doula.”

  • “… the presence of continuous one-on-one support during labor and delivery was associated with improved patient satisfaction and a statistically significant reduction in the rate of cesarean delivery.”


I noticed that the link was no longer available on ACOG’s site, so in the meantime, while I relocate it here are some others:

During our prenatal sessions, we will work together to address your wishes, needs, questions, and dreams. In addition to our conversations, we may decide to practice a variety of tools such as learning comfort measures, positions for labor and birth, pain-coping practices, baby positioning, visualizations, breathing techniques, preparing for unwished-for events, how to make decisions about interventions, and more.

If you are giving birth in the hospital, we will work together to ensure you (and your partner) are making informed decisions on the possible medical interventions that are common in the hospital setting.

If you are planning to birth outside of the hospital we will work on developing a birth vision board that will help evoke the spirit of your ideal birth as well as a Plan B, because we do not know if a transfer is in the cards and well, I like to ensure we are aware of what could happen to minimize the blow that can occur in the moment your midwife makes that call.

This is a time of great preparation, so our measures will be towards preparing your mind, body, and spirit for the journey ahead.

Absolutely not. Let’s take a moment and recognize that your partner has a strong desire to help, to participate, to feel useful and active throughout the entire journey. But, when two people share an emotional bond and an ongoing relationship, it is very difficult for that companion to remain continuously objective, calm, and removed to some degree from your discomfort and fears, or any danger.

Your partner will benefit from my presence as I will assist them in supporting you during labor and throughout the first 6 weeks postpartum. I may suggest positions, pain-coping practices, or comfort measures such as massage. I may offer breathing techniques, encouragement and a shoulder to lean on. My approach isn’t to overshadow, but to enhance the moment. Most partners express their gratitude for the chance to step away, take a break to reenergize, without leaving you alone with no support.

Not at all. You can birth in a hospital, birthing center, or at home. Your birth, your decision.
Absolutely, even with epidurals, complete pain relief is not a guarantee. With or without an epidural, tools to cope and relaxation techniques from a professionally certified doula as myself can help with the discomforts of labor.

Absolutely. I support everyone who feels the need for additional support. Having a doula isn’t a privilege anymore, it’s a birthing parent’s human right to have the kind of support they desire.

Don’t limit your thinking. Our society has a funny way of labeling ourselves as this or that, but I don’t believe in separating people into categories. I will meet you where you are at.

Yes. Whether scheduled or not, we will be by your side throughout the process. Depending on the hospital, we can join your partner in the OR. Depending on hospital protocols, we will be there for you in recovery to assist with newborn feeding and to attend to your other needs.

As a doula, I DO NOT provide, nor perform, nor imply clinical/medical procedures, including and not limited to taking blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, etc.

If you have hired a doula for labor support, they will go on-call at 38 weeks gestation, unless stated differently in your service agreement. This on-call period lasts anywhere from 3-5 weeks. However, once you hire us, we are committed to serving you no matter how early (or late) your baby is born.